Thursday, 2 September 2021

Alone on a Wide Wide Sea End

 I think what made this story so good and effective was that so many things happened like being with Aunty Megs made the story really good and happy and Allie being with the albatross made her happy so it made the reader happy as well. In the book they used a historical event because Arturs favourite poem  was The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

 I really enjoyed the parts with Aunty Megs in it because she made Marty and Arthur very happy and they had a great time with Aunty Megs. I did love Henry too, he was so cute he would always steal their socks and lie on their laps when they were feeding him. 

Marty and Arthur had a special relationship because they went through a lot together like being at Piggy Bacon’s House but no matter how terribly Piggy Bacon treated them they always looked after each other and made each other happy.

 After Marty died it seemed like everybody else did like Aunty Megs, Big Black Jack and Barnaby and then he got kicked out of the Ark this shows you how strong Arthur was to continue with his life. 

I liked how the story always had some sort of connection like the albatross and the key. The key was always with Arthur and Allie brought it on her journey as well. And the Albatross was with Arthur at the start of the book, it was one of his first memories and then Allie had an albatross follow her for most of the journey.

In the end I was very surprised I did not think that they would find Kitty because I thought she would’ve moved away or died. I thought at the start of reading this book that the key unlocked a weapon to kill Piggy Bacon with.


  1. Hi Pippa, I am Mrs Sugrue from Karoro School. I must read this book! Your response to the story shows a lot of thought and great information. My favourite part is that you have considered the effect the characters feelings may have on the reader, and that you felt happy when the characters were happy. Excellent effort, well done!


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