Thursday 30 September 2021

Deforestation & Endangered Animals

Deforestation & Endangered Animals The book Running Wild is about a Boy in the Wild with an Elephant and it has shown me many problems in the forests like deforestation for starters, deforestation is killing our animals because we are cutting down trees to use them for something we want when the animals actually need the trees to survive in the forest. Now we only have around 7,500 Sumatran Orangutans and that is people just being greedy, taking the trees that they live in and then it kills the animals too. Did you know that every minute a forest the size of 20 football fields is cut down. This is horrific. Forests cover 30% of the earth's land and within 100 years rainforests could be completely wiped out. If you think about that is too quick, do you want you, your children and grandchildren to grow up with a healthy planet or not? If we stop Deforestation it will stop a lot of flooding because the trees soak up all of the water and it slows down the water rushing down the hills and mountains. We are cutting around 50 million trees a year and ruining lots of habitats. This is very serious, think about it, this is our own greed, we are cutting down palm trees to make our food tastier. There are other ways and maybe you could think about using them. In the past 25 years forests have shrunk by 502’000 square miles and this is terrifying. 20% of Greenhouse gas emissions are from Deforestation and so that is also making climate change. Sumatran Elephants, Sumatran Tigers, Sumatran Orangutans and Sumatran Rhinos are all going extinct and we need to do something about this. In 1900 we used to have around 100,000 Sumatran Tigers and now we only have 400-500 Sumatran Tigers in the wild. We only have around 2400-2800 Sumatran Elephants and this is terrible, there are around 7500 Orangutans left in the wild. Sumatran Orangutans will be extinct in around 10 years unless everybody takes action and trys to look after the forests. With people poaching and so much habitat loss we are down to just 80 Sumatran Rhinos, we have to do something about this! It is just outrageous! More than 99% of the 4 billion species that have evolved on earth are gone. At least 900 species have gone extinct in 4 centuries. Scientists estimate that around 150-200 species of plants, birds and mammals get extinct every 24 hours. In conclusion we need to do something about this if you want to help the earth go out and plant some trees, try and buy foods that don’t have palm oil in them, try and buy recycled things and recycle all of your things that can be recycled. There is so much more you can do! One little thing actually does a lot so just do your little bit and then tell as many people as you can like your friends and your family. Every little thing counts.

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