Monday 20 May 2019

Wednesday 8 May 2019

At Pop's Farm

At Pop’s Farm

In the school holidays Summer,Dad,Meg and I went to
help Pop cut up wood for the winter.

At Pop’s Farm we made a fire and roasted marshmallows. We rode the motorbikes around the paddock.  We shifted the cows, some are really friendly.

Then we started  to get hungry so we went to the shop and got a pie and a curly wurly. I got a mince & cheese pie.

While dad was cutting up the wood the grass accidentally caught on fire. We gathered water from the creek to put it out but it didn't work so Meg stood on it and it put it out.

Then we got Huhu grubs and feed them to the trout and the eel in the creek. They love Huhu grubs.
Next we walked in to the old horse float and we saw a …….. Tiny little frog,  it was very cute. So we
went to an ant hole and found ants for the very cute frog.

Lastly we ran around the paddock to practise for cross country. We went independently while meg was driving
the motorbike.