Tuesday 30 July 2019

Length and Area and Perimeter


WALT use the word art tool to make a poster about RESPECT.

You can use the voice typing tool if you don't know how to write a big word.  Next time you should try it out. To find the Word Art tool you click on insert and scroll down to word art. It  makes your words stand out. It is really fun!.

Friday 26 July 2019

Thursday 4 July 2019

Wednesday 3 July 2019

 It was a beautiful day in Candy Forest, the sky was shining blue and not a tiny cloud to be seen. Candy forest was not like any forest on earth, the lagoon was rainbow the waterfall was made of shining crystal and last of all but best of all, the forest was made of candy. Shelly loved swimming and she was a turtle so she went everyday to rainbow lagoon she loved it so much there, until Christopher the kangaroo appeared he said “Shelly do you want to go to the tree house and have lunch?” By that time after swimming all morning, which was very tiring for Shelly, she was very hungry so they agreed they should go have lunch in the treehouse. They ate a couple of scones, a cupcake, toastie and a couple of grapes. Then Christopher said “Lets go gather some rainbow wood and fix this hole” so they went to bamboo skies and found a trail of starlight dust leading to the golden palace . “OH NO!! Only Queen Bella ( crazy scientist ) owns Stardust” Shouted Shelly. “Sshh” said Christopher “We can’t scream or the thing will hear us.” “Ok” silently whispered Shelly “We will track that thing down.” “But it’s gonna go to Queen Bellas palace (golden palace)” said Shelly as Christopher speaks, “She's a goat she’ll bunt them over and they'll be sorry there’s no way that animal thief will get past her, ok less talking more walking.” So they carried along walking and clue finding for more stardust, but then suddenly they saw a bigger piece of stardust and it leads next to a hole with a mole poking its head out of the hole. Shelly said “Have you seen something stealing special stardust Molly?” Molly replied “No but it has been very windy here and I saw a glitter ball rolling down the treetops mountain.” “Oh no!” whispered Shelly, “Bye Molly! Off we head to find the runaway glitter ball” they shouted. Christopher and Shelly were going to find it so they ran down to the hill and found a note saying WARNING PRIVATE PROPERTY. “Oh no I don’t want to go into this private property” cried Shelly. “Sorry Shelly we’re going in there whether you like it or not, if you want to find the glitterball come with me if you don’t stay but i’m going anyway.” Shelly agreed and she followed along. As they walked in they saw a cave with a light shining inside and saw Queen Bella sprinkling the stardust over her magical potion. “So we did that for nothing Christopher.” “Actually no Shelly and Christopher I was testing you to see if you were up for a job and I’d say you guys have passed.” “YAY!!! WE ARE SO LUCKY wait what even is this job?” Shelly asks. Queen Bella presents with an opportunity to be a DETECTIVE so what do you say Shelly and Chritopher, “YES I WILL” screamed Shelly “I WILL OF COURSE “screamed Christopher, “ok you two will be buddies ok”. THE END