Wednesday 18 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

For this activity, compare and contrast these two aviators. You could use this venn diagramOn your blog, share your comparison between the two aviators.


  1. Hi Pippa!

    My name is Gabriel, and I am part of this year’s Summer Learning Journey team. I will be helping to comment on your amazing posts over the summer. It is such a wonderful experience to be able to read your blog. It’s great to see what you have done already!

    Wow! I really like how you have incorporated images into your Venn diagram, I had no idea that Amelia flew from Canada to Ireland! Would you like to be a pilot one day? Have you ever been in an aircraft?

    One way that you can engage us readers when writing your blogs is to use colour! This makes it really interesting for us to read. Just something to consider for next time!

    Keep up the great work,


  2. Hi Gabe, I would like to be a pilot one day. Yes I have been in an aircraft. I thought it would be good to use the colours they had in the old days.


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