Friday, 27 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Imagine that Emma has just emailed you. She needs you to recommend a book that you like for her book club and write a review of it.
On your blog, share your book review with a photo or illustration (drawing) of the book. Tell us what the book is about and why you chose it.
I Recommend Fing its a really funny book by David Walliams, it is the story of a child who had everything but still wanted more.
Just one more "fing".  I chose fing because it is a funny and interesting story.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pippa,

    Leisha here. Thanks for sharing your book review. I have never read Fing by David Walliams before but it has been on my list of books that I might like to read to my year 3 and 4 class this year. Do you think they would enjoy it? I wonder if this story is based on a child David Walliams knows!? I know there are some kids who want more things even though they have almost everything!

    What is the fuzz ball on the cover? It looks interesting and super cute too!



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