Monday, 23 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Have a look at the School Strike for Climate Australia website. On your blog, list three things that you learned. Please also post a photograph of something that you are doing around home to help the environment.

1. They want everybody to be kind to the environment.

2. No new coal, oil and gas projects.

3.  Look after your community.


Using reusable bags 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pippa,

    Happy Friday! :) I hope you are well. I am reading through some of your SLJ posts now. You have been doing an amazing job!

    I am glad that you have learnt a few things about climate change and the School Strike 4 Climate. Do you agree that everyone should be kinder to the environment? It is great to see you are using reusable bags! I have a few of those too. I think it is such a great idea. I even have a little bag that folds up and clips onto my handbag, so wherever I go, I always have a reusable bag when I need it.

    Another idea that is an easy switch is using beeswax wraps instead of gladwrap. Have you seen these before? I am planning to make some very soon!



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