Wednesday 30 June 2021



 This term we have been learning about water and all of the creatures and things in the Oceans, Lakes, Rivers and Estuarys. My slide is about Starfish and where their best habitat is. Hope you enjoy : )

Friday 25 June 2021


This term we have been learning about water and human impacts on our marine environment.

Letter \ Think and Respond \ Emotive Language

This term we have been learning about refugees this is my Letter at the top my Think and Respond in the middle and My Emotive language at the bottom.

Dear Family, While reading the Refugee book I have noticed that a lot of people are having to flee their country. They should be allowed to stay in their country no one owns it. They are fleeing their country because it is not safe or someone is trying to kill them. They come from lots of country's the most refugees live in Turkey nearly 3.7 million people have escaped to turkey, That is just too many people they should be allowed to stay with the people they love and the country or place they love, everybody deserves to be happy. And what can we do to help? Well we can support and raise money for the refugee people, that way it would help them start a new life and get the things they need. And we should help because would you like to have to flee your own country and go to a new country, not knowing anything about it, it would be terrible wouldn’t it? We have the salvation army and second-hand stores that they can go to and they can get all sorts of stuff. Refugees can also help us because they can tell us to be happy and grateful for what we have because we have amazing lives and they would be very inspiring. 


Friday 18 June 2021

Refugee Writing

This term we have been reading the book refugee this is one of the tasks that we had to do. Here is my writing hope you enjoy :) 

 Zofia stared at the dark night sky and wondered “Will I ever be safe”. Since Zofia was only 11 years old and didn’t have any parents because they died trying to escape some bombing. Luckily Zofia was out in the paddock feeding her dapple-grey arabian named Mystic, when the bombs fell.

 Zofia had gotten injured but not too bad. She had a little bed on the raft, she had made on her own,heading out to New Zealand and safety. She had some food to keep her going but once she got to New Zealand she would get more food. Zofia had some money from her parents, luckily it was NZ money.

 Zofia’s Dad had taught her how to drive a boat so if this ever happened she was ready for anything. Zofia could see a light far away and thought what is that? It got a little bit closer, close enough for her to see that it was the Nazi’s, they were following her. She tried to sail in a different direction but they just kept following. Zofia was scared she had never ever been this scared before. She went into the back of the boat and hid behind barrels which she had stored all of her stuff in and the Nazi’s went up to the boat.

   “There is nobody in this boat should we take it or leave” said a Nazi “Just leave it we are here for the people not boats” Said another Nazi. Zofia was finally safe. She was going to be free and safe! No one could ever hurt her! She didn’t realise, but since she was hiding behind the barrel she hadn’t realized the boat had drifted off course. Zofia had been travelling for a couple of months now, she could see a colorful island in the distance, so she sailed over there towards the island. There was a big sign that said Wellington so she jumped off the boat and tied it to a giant rock. She saw a man so she sold the boat to him for 1000 dollars. There was a road and on the other side she had heard a young couple talking and laughing in Polish so then she approached them and discovered that they had fled Poland to escape from Nazis too.

 She was so relieved to have found two people who had escaped Poland just like her. They took her home with them. They lived in the countryside with a little white cottage and a grey cat named Polly which she thought was nice because they named Polly after Poland. 

 Lena & Alexander were working at the city bank. She was convinced if they could start a new life and be happy that meant so could she. Zofia had got a job at the local stables, she had made even more friends and people were inspired by Zofia. She was amazing because of what terrible things she had got through. 

 And although she would never forget her family, Mystic and Poland and everything she went through, it just felt great to be in a country where she was safe and where the Nazis could not reach her. Zofia was happy with her new life she could see it was going to be much brighter, especially with her new friends by her side.

Wednesday 9 June 2021


These few terms we have been using Banqer a Digital Money Programme that teaches kids how to use money properly and makes kids save lots of money. My Group has been Learning about what Interest is and how it works here is my slide hope you enjoy : ) 

Friday 4 June 2021

Water Cycle

This term we have been learning about the water cycle and how it works here is my slide hope you enjoy : )