Wednesday 8 September 2021

Indonesia vs United Kingdom



The climate of Indonesia is almost entirely tropical, the coastal plains are normally averaging to be 28 degrees Celsius and the inland and mountain areas are around 26 degrees Celsius with the higher mountain region averaging about 23 degrees Celsius.  

Main jobs 

The ten most popular jobs are: 

1. Teaching 

2. Bank Employees

3. Government Employees

4. Marketing

5. Indonesian Migrant Workers

6. IT

7. Journalist

8. Accountant 

9. Doctor 

10. Nurse

What the Government is like

The Government in Indonesia is a democratic which means the public votes people into power. 

Food in Indonesia

A typical Indonesian meal normally has steamed rice and one or two main dishes with fish, meat, chicken or vegetables, sometimes including soup which are all served together.

Cultures in Indonesia

Indonesia was in the middle of an ancient trading route between the middle east and south east Asia, which has led to Indonesia having a range of different cultures and religions.


Indonesia has a population of 276,727,161 and is made up of over seventeen thousand islands, including Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, and parts of Borneo and New Guinea. 

Money Systems

In Indonesia they use Rupiah so 48 400 Rupiah is 5 dollars in New Zealand. 

Native Animals

Here are 11 native animals you can see in Indonesia

1. Komodo Dragon

2. Orangutan

3. Maleo

4. Helmeted Hornbill

5. Babirusa

6. Anoa

7. The Black Ape

8. Cendrawasih

9. Javan rhinoceros

10. Sumatran Tigers

11. Bali Starlings

Size of Country 

Indonesia has a lot of space with 1.905 million square kilometres.


United Kingdom: 


The UK gets cold, wet winters and warm, wet summers. It rarely gets extreme hot or cold weather. In the UK the weather is very changeable. The average daily high temperature in winter is 9-5 degrees Celsius.

Main jobs 

In the UK the most common jobs are:

1. Accountancy, banking and finances

2.Business, consulting and management

3. Charity and volunteer work

4. Creative arts and design

5. Energy and utilities 

6. Engineering and manufacturing

7. Environment and agriculture

8. Healthcare

What is the Government like

 The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy in which the reigning monarch does not do anything to do with the political stuff instead the government does all of that.

Foods in the UK

Some food that you would definitely find in the United Kingdom would be: 

Cottage pie 

Fish and Chips 

Bangers and Mash 

Full English Breakfast

Sunday Roast

Steak and Kidney Pie

Cultures in the UK

There are many different cultures in the United Kingdom but around half are Christian.


In the United Kingdom they have a population of 68,299,300 people. 

Money Systems

In the UK they use Pound Sterling. 1 pound sterling is 1.95 Dollars in New Zealand.

Native Animals

Here are some animals that are Native to the United States.

1. Common Shrew

2. Red Squirrel

3. Curlew

4. Little Owl

5. Orkney Vole

6. Scottish Wildcat

7. Grey Seal

8. Wood Mouse

9. European Hedgehog

10. Fin Whale

Size of the Country

The size of the UK is 242,495km squared. And Indonesia has 1.905 million square kilometres.

As you can see these two countries are very diverse from one another. One is much bigger than the other. They both have very different foods and climates as you have read. Like Indonesia is a very tropical country and the United Kingdom is a lot cooler than what Indonesia is, like in winter in the United Kingdom they have an average temperature of 5-9 degrees Celsius.


  1. Hi Pippa. This is really interesting work and shows some strong research skills. These are very different countries, I wonder which you would prefer to visit? Great effort!

  2. Thank you Mrs Sugrue, I think I would rather go to Indonesia because the beaches would be very pretty and warm.


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