Friday 30 August 2019


WALT understand division problems. Some times division problems are just like family of facts. Division is looking at groups and how many make up that number. You can turn a hard division equation into a Multiplication equation which I think makes it easier.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Adding Masked Images

We used the Explore tool to find an image, then we clicked on the arrow next to the crop tool. It is called the mask tool. It was hard to choose a shape to match the picture, because you had to be able to see all the picture when it was masked. Next you used the line tool to make it look like a frame. My favourite masked image is the dog. I am going to use this tool to make my work look better.

Friday 16 August 2019

Home Sweet Comb

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Screencastify to blog

Today we made a Screencastify of our best work to share on our blog.  This is a  poly line art in a google drawing.  I chose this because I really liked doing it and I am very happy it turned out like this.
It was very fun. You should try it.

Friday 9 August 2019

Tuesday 6 August 2019

My Dog!

Today is a digital technology day I chose to do pick a path with Mrs Glue it was very fun

Friday 2 August 2019

Small World

AO Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies with developing confidence to identify, form, and express ideas I am learning to include visual information in my writing including images, graphs and charts. I am learning to revise and rework my writing for clarity, impact and purpose. I am learning to support my main ideas with important details.Small World It was Saturday afternoon and not a cloud to be seen. It was a beautiful day at Limestone park. It was unlike any park on earth as it was full of Stick Insects and Grasshoppers, like me. “By the way my name is Greg the grasshopper and I have a best friend called George the grasshopper, he is very funny and in fact there he is”. “Hello George” I said with excitement, “Wow look who’s here it’s Greg the grasshopper” said George. “George! come to this big red and white checker blanket” I whispered to him,as we run along, “Yum I can smell it from here! Sausages and bread with an extra dip of sauce, yeah and I can smell fruit salad.” said George Sshh I whispered to George, there's people there and they have just noticed us, INCOMING!! , as a ball glides over to us. “Quick jump in the picnic Basket George”……… Suddenly the the basket starts shaking and moving and tipping. “AHHH” we shout with horror ,Then something 10’000 Times bigger than us peeks in the basket and shouts, look Its two grasshoppers!!! “Why is that so scary ” I don’t know. Suddenly something grabbed us “AHHH that thing is squeezing me so tight me too” George yelled with horror then it slowly squeezes me so I quickly jump away and so does George. Everyone was happy.