Friday 27 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Please think of someone in your life who is a role model to you. This could be a parent, grandparent, neighbour, minister, imam, rabbi etc. Please ask them to share one piece of wisdom (advice) with you.
On your blog, share this wisdom with your readers. Please tell us who you heard it from.
My Mum likes the paragraph from "Desiderata"  by Max Ehrmann. " With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, It is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful  Strive to be happy. 

Summer Learning Journey

On your blog tell us the names of the two groups that interest you and then tell us at least two facts about each group.

•Aboriginals had pet dogs for many reasons.
• 33 percent of Aboriginal Australian children had to be taken away to other families.

• Estimated 25,000 Ainu people still live there now.
• This northern island of Japan  is home to the indigenous Ainu people.

Summer Learning Journey

Image from explore on google drive 

Summer Learning Journey

Imagine that Emma has just emailed you. She needs you to recommend a book that you like for her book club and write a review of it.
On your blog, share your book review with a photo or illustration (drawing) of the book. Tell us what the book is about and why you chose it.
I Recommend Fing its a really funny book by David Walliams, it is the story of a child who had everything but still wanted more.
Just one more "fing".  I chose fing because it is a funny and interesting story.

Monday 23 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Please write a short story. The story can be about anything that you wish!
On your blog, share your short story. We can’t wait to read it!
Long Long ago there lived a dog a very fluffy dog she was called Spark. She loved the water as long as her friend was there with her. Her best friend was called Rosa she loved playing with Rosa but one day Rosa said she was going to move away to Pine Lake that was 10 hours away from  Glistening Rocks where Spark lived. Spark was very sad. She thought she would be the happiest Dog in the world. But she was The saddest Dog in the world. But then the next day at School there was new dog coming to school with rosa gone  Spark was finally Excited  that someone else was coming to school. The next day the dog came to school her name was Biscuit. Spark saw the new dog  she went over to her after her playing and sitting with her they became best friends Spark and Biscuit Were so happy. 

Summer Learning Journey

Imagine that the government has decided to create a new $10 bank note. They want to replace Kate with a picture of a different NZ woman.

On your blog, tell us who you think should be put on the new $10 note. Please provide us with a picture of this amazing woman and explain why you think she should be chosen                                
Jean Batten because she is a famous NZ aviator I think she should go on the ten dollar note.

Summer Learning Journey

Use the information and video to tell your readers about the problem Rosa Parks faced on the bus that day. What did she do about this problem? On your blog, describe the problem Rosa Parks faced on the bus, and what she did about it.

 The Driver said for the African American passengers to move out of their seats and all of the other coloured people obeyed him but not Rosa ... The result was prison she was arrested and fined.  she refused to pay. Rosa argued it was the law that was bad not her behaviour. 

Summer Learning Journey

Have a look at the School Strike for Climate Australia website. On your blog, list three things that you learned. Please also post a photograph of something that you are doing around home to help the environment.

1. They want everybody to be kind to the environment.

2. No new coal, oil and gas projects.

3.  Look after your community.


Using reusable bags 

Summer Learning Journey

Imagine that you are Mr Mandela and you are in prison.
On your blog, write a diary entry pretending that you are Mr Mandela. Please write at least four sentences to describe what it might be like in the prison.
This is the eighth year in prison.  I don't know how long I'll be stuck in here I hope I'm out soon. This is wrong I shouldn't be in here its horrible. I only get a straw mat to sleep on. I don't know when I'll get dinner tonight I might not be having any. Well I might  I get out soon if I'm lucky.

Summer Learning Journey

Please write a letter to Jacinda about something that is important to you. Tell her why it is important and what you would like her to do about it.

Dear Jacinda, I hate the way some people treat  animals everybody should be nice to them. If they are not they should go to prison. Please stop people from hurting those special animals.
Don't you want the animals to be happy?. I know I do

Yours Sincerely Pippa 

Summer Learning Journey

Jessa was 25 when she won the NAIDOC Youth of the Year award. How many years until you are 25?
On your blog, write out the maths question and answer, and tell us how you worked it out.

How many years until i'm 25 ? = 16 years because 9 + 16 = 25.

Summer Learning Journey

Create a list of your 3 favourite things to do and take a photo of yourself doing each of these things.
On your blog post both your list and your photos of your favourite things
1. Playing at the farm. 
2. Playing with my Rabbit .
3. Spending time with my family.

Thursday 19 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

For this activity, choose one person and read about them. On your blog, please tell us: The name of the person A sentence about the work they do/have done A sentence about how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others

 Name : Kelly Slater

Work: Kelly is a Professional Surfer and has been competing in many races.

How does his work affect others: He has made other young surfers believe in themselves.

Summer Learning Journey

Listen to the podcast of Yusra Mardini or read her story on her website. On your blog, retell the story of this brave young woman from Syria.

Yusra Mardini and her Older sister had to leave Syria because the war was starting. When she was leaving on the boat 15 minutes into the ocean the boats engine failed and so as a professional swimmer Yusra dived into the water and towed the boat by her swimming she was great at. That day she had saved 20 people. She had been very brave.  

Summer Learning Journey

On your blog, please share three things that are important to you and why they are so important.

My Family, Friends and Pets they all make me happy I love all my family and pets. My Friends are always nice to me 
I'm happy I have such a Loving Family and Nice Friends and the Best pets in the world. 

Summer Learning Journey

Imagine that you were asked to create a travel poster for a country of your choice. On the poster, include lots of great tips about what to see and do in the country. On your blog, post your finished copy of your poster.

Summer Learning Journey

Imagine that you were allowed to change your name to anything that you wanted.
On your blog, tell us what you would change your name to and why you would choose that name.

I  would choose Ivy Blaze Because I like the Ivy's (the Plant) and Blaze is a rare and unique name that probably not many people are called.

Summer Learning Journey

Here are two videos about Serena Williams and Venus Williams. Choose one to watch (or watch both!)
On your blog, tell us three things that you learned from watching this video, as well as one thing you would still like to know.

She has won 4 gold medals.
She  never gives up.                               Will she ever stop playing tennis?
her dad taught her how to play. 

Summer Learning Journey

Please think about your dream job. Who do you think could help you to achieve this dream? What could they do to help you? On your blog, share your dream job, who could help you to achieve this, and what they could do to help. Share your brainstorm as a poster or infographic.

Summer Learning Journey

Imagine that you could interview LeBron James or Steven Adams. On your blog, tell us who you would interview and write three questions that you would like to ask the basketball player.

Why did you choose to play basketball?

Do you think you have Improved at basketball this season?

Are you proud of your place in basketball?

Summer Learning Journey

Imagine that you could be a superhero for a day. What three superpowers would you most like to have?
On your blog, please list the three superpowers, tell us why you have chosen each one, and tell us what you are going to do with them.

If I Could have three superpowers I would have Water, Fire and Plant Superpower because if I had Water Power I could live in water and be friends with all marine animals.  If I had Fire Powers I could make animals made out of flames then I could ride them. And  if I had plant Super powers  I could have big Beautiful Flower Gardens.

Summer Learning Journey

On your blog, recount a time when you (or someone you know) did something brave.

One Day my Mum went out onto the road to save the neighbours dogs because they were sitting down on the road.  It was on main south road. There was heaps of traffic. She stopped the traffic and  picked up the dogs so she could bring them back to their house.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

For this activity, let’s imagine that you were Neil Armstrong.  On your blog, write a short poem describing how you felt when you first set foot on the moon.


Summer Learning Journey

For this activity, compare and contrast these two aviators. You could use this venn diagramOn your blog, share your comparison between the two aviators.

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Please choose a charity that you are interested in. You may choose your own or use one from our list (below). Read about the charity.

On your blog, write a short explanation of what the charity does.

The SPCA saves animals lives when they have been in a accident or when neglected, abused and abandoned. They try and rehome them to better and kinder people. Lots of people go there to get pets. Over this year they have saved 40,000 animals . I'm happy for the pets because now they will have a better life.

Summer Learning Journey

Please think about your own culture. Where does your family come from? What is important or special to you and your family? What language do you speak? 
 On your blog, please tell us about your culture.

My Great Great Grandparents on my mum's side of the family came to New Zealand from Ireland and have been living in the South Island and West Coast since then.

My Mum has chosen to stay on the West Coast  because she likes living in a small community with her friends and family around her. The West Coast is also a beautiful place to live with lots of outdoor opportunities. 

My sister and I like exploring outdoors, going body boarding and playing sports with our  friends 

Our Family speaks English.

Summer Learning Journey

Imagine that you were invited to join Nainoa for three weeks at sea.   You are asked to pack your own food. List 10 food items that you could take on the trip. Remember you will not have a fridge or freezer! 
   On your blog, post your list of 10 food items you would take on an ocean voyage.

• Muffins
• Berries   
• Sandwiches 
• Biscuits   
• Chips 
• Vegetables   
• Bananas   
• Apples 
• Grapes 

Thursday 12 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week


Tuesday 26 November 2019

Monday 18 November 2019

Toki Film Festival Review

Toki Film Festival Review Kids Country Calendar School : Paparoa Range
 Actors: Harry, Quinn and  James.

Kia ora Paparoa Range its Pippa from Karoro School. I enjoyed Kids Country Calendar because it was interesting showing the farm and what they do on it . You couldn’t really hear the person at the start but apart from that it was great , I liked how they showed the truck coming and going. Next time try to add some of the people's voices.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Information Report Cicada


 Cicadas are living Insects that are vertebrates which means it has a spine. They can be both social and solitary since their life cycle goes on for 3-5 years . They normally live for 13-17 years and are very beautifully patterned. 

Habitat Cicadas habitats are the crown, trunk and branches of trees. Females cut slots in the branches so she can lay eggs in them .They spend most of their lives underground as larva.

 When cicadas do a clicking noise they turn it into a song and other cicadas join in. It sounds amazing because you cannot see them but you can only hear them. On a sunny day you can hear them in the trees.

 Food & Predators
 Young cicadas eat liquid from tree roots, while molting cicadas eat twigs. Cicadas are commonly eaten by Birds,Wasps, Mantises and Spiders. Even though they can get caught easily they can hide in trees. Flying Cicadas are actually not very good at flying and are quite clumsy when flying in the air. Most people would think they are very good at flying because of their big wings. 

Colour & Shape
 Cicadas can be black, brown or green and their eyes can be red, white or blue. Cicadas are oval shaped winged insects.

The Importance of Cicadas
Cicadas aerate the tree soil as they grow and can help when they die. They release nutrients to the tree. They are sometimes called natures little helpers.

 As you can see cicadas are so important to our ecosystem, like plants and trees.

Tuesday 10 September 2019


WALT: make animation on slides. Today we made a animation on slides which was fun.
All you  had to do was find a background based on the animal or object  you have chosen
before you got an image you had to write in the end of your picture name you had to write
png so there would be no background and it would be transparent. You had to be very patient  because it took a bit of time but it was still very fun.

Friday 30 August 2019


WALT understand division problems. Some times division problems are just like family of facts. Division is looking at groups and how many make up that number. You can turn a hard division equation into a Multiplication equation which I think makes it easier.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Adding Masked Images

We used the Explore tool to find an image, then we clicked on the arrow next to the crop tool. It is called the mask tool. It was hard to choose a shape to match the picture, because you had to be able to see all the picture when it was masked. Next you used the line tool to make it look like a frame. My favourite masked image is the dog. I am going to use this tool to make my work look better.

Friday 16 August 2019

Home Sweet Comb

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Screencastify to blog

Today we made a Screencastify of our best work to share on our blog.  This is a  poly line art in a google drawing.  I chose this because I really liked doing it and I am very happy it turned out like this.
It was very fun. You should try it.

Friday 9 August 2019

Tuesday 6 August 2019

My Dog!

Today is a digital technology day I chose to do pick a path with Mrs Glue it was very fun

Friday 2 August 2019

Small World

AO Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies with developing confidence to identify, form, and express ideas I am learning to include visual information in my writing including images, graphs and charts. I am learning to revise and rework my writing for clarity, impact and purpose. I am learning to support my main ideas with important details.Small World It was Saturday afternoon and not a cloud to be seen. It was a beautiful day at Limestone park. It was unlike any park on earth as it was full of Stick Insects and Grasshoppers, like me. “By the way my name is Greg the grasshopper and I have a best friend called George the grasshopper, he is very funny and in fact there he is”. “Hello George” I said with excitement, “Wow look who’s here it’s Greg the grasshopper” said George. “George! come to this big red and white checker blanket” I whispered to him,as we run along, “Yum I can smell it from here! Sausages and bread with an extra dip of sauce, yeah and I can smell fruit salad.” said George Sshh I whispered to George, there's people there and they have just noticed us, INCOMING!! , as a ball glides over to us. “Quick jump in the picnic Basket George”……… Suddenly the the basket starts shaking and moving and tipping. “AHHH” we shout with horror ,Then something 10’000 Times bigger than us peeks in the basket and shouts, look Its two grasshoppers!!! “Why is that so scary ” I don’t know. Suddenly something grabbed us “AHHH that thing is squeezing me so tight me too” George yelled with horror then it slowly squeezes me so I quickly jump away and so does George. Everyone was happy.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Length and Area and Perimeter


WALT use the word art tool to make a poster about RESPECT.

You can use the voice typing tool if you don't know how to write a big word.  Next time you should try it out. To find the Word Art tool you click on insert and scroll down to word art. It  makes your words stand out. It is really fun!.

Friday 26 July 2019

Thursday 4 July 2019

Wednesday 3 July 2019

 It was a beautiful day in Candy Forest, the sky was shining blue and not a tiny cloud to be seen. Candy forest was not like any forest on earth, the lagoon was rainbow the waterfall was made of shining crystal and last of all but best of all, the forest was made of candy. Shelly loved swimming and she was a turtle so she went everyday to rainbow lagoon she loved it so much there, until Christopher the kangaroo appeared he said “Shelly do you want to go to the tree house and have lunch?” By that time after swimming all morning, which was very tiring for Shelly, she was very hungry so they agreed they should go have lunch in the treehouse. They ate a couple of scones, a cupcake, toastie and a couple of grapes. Then Christopher said “Lets go gather some rainbow wood and fix this hole” so they went to bamboo skies and found a trail of starlight dust leading to the golden palace . “OH NO!! Only Queen Bella ( crazy scientist ) owns Stardust” Shouted Shelly. “Sshh” said Christopher “We can’t scream or the thing will hear us.” “Ok” silently whispered Shelly “We will track that thing down.” “But it’s gonna go to Queen Bellas palace (golden palace)” said Shelly as Christopher speaks, “She's a goat she’ll bunt them over and they'll be sorry there’s no way that animal thief will get past her, ok less talking more walking.” So they carried along walking and clue finding for more stardust, but then suddenly they saw a bigger piece of stardust and it leads next to a hole with a mole poking its head out of the hole. Shelly said “Have you seen something stealing special stardust Molly?” Molly replied “No but it has been very windy here and I saw a glitter ball rolling down the treetops mountain.” “Oh no!” whispered Shelly, “Bye Molly! Off we head to find the runaway glitter ball” they shouted. Christopher and Shelly were going to find it so they ran down to the hill and found a note saying WARNING PRIVATE PROPERTY. “Oh no I don’t want to go into this private property” cried Shelly. “Sorry Shelly we’re going in there whether you like it or not, if you want to find the glitterball come with me if you don’t stay but i’m going anyway.” Shelly agreed and she followed along. As they walked in they saw a cave with a light shining inside and saw Queen Bella sprinkling the stardust over her magical potion. “So we did that for nothing Christopher.” “Actually no Shelly and Christopher I was testing you to see if you were up for a job and I’d say you guys have passed.” “YAY!!! WE ARE SO LUCKY wait what even is this job?” Shelly asks. Queen Bella presents with an opportunity to be a DETECTIVE so what do you say Shelly and Chritopher, “YES I WILL” screamed Shelly “I WILL OF COURSE “screamed Christopher, “ok you two will be buddies ok”. THE END

Monday 24 June 2019

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Zheng He

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Cartoon me

Kia ora my name is Pippa.  We  have been learning cybersmart and art to create images using a google drawing.  We really enjoyed learning this cool art. Would you like to do this art?
 1. You make a google drawing
 2. You take a photo of yourself
 3.  Insert the picture of yourself into your google drawing
 4.  Find the poly line and trace over your face- if you use your poly line you can colour it in. It has to be conneted. 
5.  Delete your photo and add a colourful background.
This was so much fun you should try and make it. I would love to see it on your blog

Monday 20 May 2019

Wednesday 8 May 2019

At Pop's Farm

At Pop’s Farm

In the school holidays Summer,Dad,Meg and I went to
help Pop cut up wood for the winter.

At Pop’s Farm we made a fire and roasted marshmallows. We rode the motorbikes around the paddock.  We shifted the cows, some are really friendly.

Then we started  to get hungry so we went to the shop and got a pie and a curly wurly. I got a mince & cheese pie.

While dad was cutting up the wood the grass accidentally caught on fire. We gathered water from the creek to put it out but it didn't work so Meg stood on it and it put it out.

Then we got Huhu grubs and feed them to the trout and the eel in the creek. They love Huhu grubs.
Next we walked in to the old horse float and we saw a …….. Tiny little frog,  it was very cute. So we
went to an ant hole and found ants for the very cute frog.

Lastly we ran around the paddock to practise for cross country. We went independently while meg was driving
the motorbike.                                                                                                                       

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Adding using a standard written form

Place Value

Kawa of Care

WAL to look after our passwords and chromebooks

Haiku poem

WAL to write a haiku poem about Nature

Friday 5 April 2019


WAL to write a diamante poem about our special place.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

My Mihi

Tuesday 26 February 2019